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Rewriting humanity’s demons
Rewriting humanity's demons Humanity is controversial. Humanity is controversial by nature. And even more...
Annual Brazilian Indigenous Festival
Annual Native Brazilian Festival of Culture Every year, the Patachós, an indigenous native...
Radical Feminism vs. Culture of War
Radical Feminism vs. Culture of War For a long time, men globally enjoyed engaging in sports....
Mind and Body Dynamics
Mind and Emotion are antagonistic by themselves.The mind is masculine energy, while the emotion is more feminine. From a neurodevelopmental point of view, emotion is more primal and more immediate than thought.emotion being more primary and more immediate than...
Never Say Sorry for Being Who You ARE
it is precisely with all the differences, imperfections, and doubts that you are perfect. imagine this universe as a giant puzzle.each piece has a fitting and design, and when it knows the value of its shape, she collaborates with the growth of...





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