Moondalini: Your Metaphysical Well-being Research Center

Discover therapies, events, research, and collaborations with non-profit organizations.


Innovative counseling coming soon!

Classes and Workshops


Currently, we offer Private Astrology Classes through request and time by time transformative Workshops. 


Choose your Medicine

 We are locally attending in San Francisco, Bay Area and remotely around the globe.


Self Discovery Reading,

Love Readings,

Aspects Theory Journey

Carrear chart, and much more!


Holistic Counseling

Psychotherapy Therapy (Freud, Jung concepts)

Metaphysic approach

Holistic Therapy





Our newest updates!



Astrology Classes

Astrology Classes

Humanist AStrology ClassesBasic AstrologyLearn about the elements, planets, zodiac signs, aspects... Use your own birth chart, your beloveds or your favorite public figures. Advanced Astrology: Understanding the psiqueNow you know the basics, let's explore the psique...

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Annual Brazilian Indigenous Festival

Annual Brazilian Indigenous Festival

Annual Native Brazilian Festival of Culture    Every year, the Patachós, an indigenous native community in Minas Gerais, Brazil, hosts a cultural festival for folks interested in learning about their unique way of living. Native Patachós cuisine, songs, generational...

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Mind and Body Dynamics

Mind and Emotion are antagonistic by themselves.The mind is masculine energy, while the emotion is more feminine. From a neurodevelopmental point of view, emotion is more primal and more immediate than thought.emotion being more primary and more immediate than...

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Our Proporsals:

We believe that just as the Sun and Moon have their function in the solar system,


each person on Earth also has their unique function.


And Moondalini, through art and metaphysics,


helps you find your shape within this puzzle.


articles and


Rewriting humanity’s demons

Rewriting humanity’s demons

Rewriting humanity's demons Humanity is controversial. Humanity is controversial by nature. And even more controversial is recognizing this. Imagine that so so far away,A spaceship saw a pretty little house.It was very green, and had a pleasant air.Very empty and...

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Everything that stops you from having a happy life

Everything that stops you from having a happy life

Everything that stops you from having a happy life   Recently, I had one of the most challenging experiences of my life. It's been 25 days, 9 hours, and maybe 12 minutes since I returned from a meditation retreat. You might look at me and think "Wow, how exaggerated!...

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Astrology for healing

Astrology for healing

Astrology for healing Astrology is the science of substance. By many, it is known as a predictive technique. For others, a way of describing reality. In the apocryphal books, they say that when the angels fell, they brought with them many gifts for humanity:...

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Annual Brazilian Indigenous Festival

Annual Brazilian Indigenous Festival

Annual Native Brazilian Festival of Culture    Every year, the Patachós, an indigenous native community in Minas Gerais, Brazil, hosts a cultural festival for folks interested in learning about their unique way of living. Native Patachós cuisine, songs, generational...

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Radical Feminism vs. Culture of War

Radical Feminism vs. Culture of War For a long time, men globally enjoyed engaging in sports. Among many options, their favorites included assembling players from different cultures to fight for distinct territories. If human culture has a favorite sport, it is...

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