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Every day is a special day: (by astrologer to astrologer or sympathizer)
Every day is a special day: (by astrologer to astrologer or sympathizer) Every day, you experience transits; energy moves from day to day. The moon changes every 2 days, affecting your moods like ocean waves. Every 9 months, Venus beautifully brings new relationships...
Rewriting humanity’s demons
Rewriting humanity's demons Humanity is controversial. Humanity is controversial by nature. And even more controversial is recognizing this. Imagine that so so far away,A spaceship saw a pretty little house.It was very green, and had a pleasant air.Very empty and...
Everything that stops you from having a happy life
Everything that stops you from having a happy life   Recently, I had one of the most challenging experiences of my life. It's been 25 days, 9 hours, and maybe 12 minutes since I returned from a meditation retreat. You might look at me and think "Wow, how exaggerated!...
Astrology for healing
Astrology for healing Astrology is the science of substance. By many, it is known as a predictive technique. For others, a way of describing reality. In the apocryphal books, they say that when the angels fell, they brought with them many gifts for humanity:...
Radical Feminism vs. Culture of War
Radical Feminism vs. Culture of War For a long time, men globally enjoyed engaging in sports. Among many options, their favorites included assembling players from different cultures to fight for distinct territories. If human culture has a favorite sport, it is...
God beyond Science
God beyond Science For thousands of years, our society has moved between different religions. And to a point where our Western society, after Christianity, begins to unify with the world through a common point of view: Science. It has become globally known that the...
Small or Big Cities?
Model City Redefining Urban Futures: Toward Ideal and Inclusive Cities What would an ideal model city be like? With the rise of factories in major cities, people left rural areas in search of a better quality of life. This shift brought numerous benefits at the time,...
Life Cycles – A Self-Regulating Society
Life Cycles - A Self-Regulating Society A healthy society is one that includes children and the elderly in social roles. Women in leadership positions. By doing so, we relieve the stress and unrealistic expectations placed upon millions of young individuals in the...
Mind and Body Dynamics

Mind and Body Dynamics

Mind and Emotion are antagonistic by themselves.The mind is masculine energy, while the emotion is more feminine. From a neurodevelopmental point of view, emotion is more primal and more immediate than thought.emotion being more primary and more immediate than...

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Never Say Sorry for Being Who You ARE

      it is precisely with all the differences, imperfections, and doubts that you are perfect. imagine this universe as a giant puzzle.each piece has a fitting and design, and when it knows the value of its shape, she collaborates with the growth of...

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