Life Cycles – A Self-Regulating Society
A healthy society is one that includes children and the elderly in social roles.
Women in leadership positions.
By doing so, we relieve the stress and unrealistic expectations placed upon millions of young individuals in the workforce who are in a phase of self-discovery: the ages of 20-30. This creates a balanced economic chain where there is mutual respect for multiple perspectives that only different stages of life can provide.
In Wiccan philosophy, we have the maiden, the mother, and the crone. They are all part of the same goddess but in different life stages. They represent the phases of the moon that we experience daily.
Children teach us so much. Their constant laughter or admiration for the simple things serve as a constant reminder of how each day can be so different from the next. Children embody pure emotion, which we learn to mask and suppress as adults, often paying a high price for not listening to the inner part of ourselves that longs to be expressed. As a result, we miss out on living a life that truly satisfies our creative essence.
The only request of old age is for us to keep our hearts young, and this we learn from the smile of a child. Through their honest and unpretentious observations.
Or in a tribe, where the most respected member is the sage. Everyone listens to them because they have experienced everything that you are going through now, and much more. Their advice holds weight because they didn’t study it, they lived it, and their manifested life is proof that they know what they’re talking about. A friend once told me that he saved a lot of therapy money when he started listening to the elders: the stories they have to tell, their insights into emotional problems that seem never-ending, or what truly matters in life.
When we talk about including children and the elderly in social roles, we are talking about considering it normal for a child to feel excited in public spaces, to cry, or even to make a mess. It’s about reflecting on what these actions represent to our inner selves, as well as what our inner child has to say. It’s about embracing a simple meditation and questioning why a child’s cry bothers us so much. It’s about treating a being who may be smaller and less experienced than us as an equal, appreciating their curiosity and openness to teach us. It’s about observing genuine conversations and emotions, free from pretense, when engaging with others. Authentic expression. What would become of us if we all interacted authentically with our colleagues, bosses, and even those we seek to impress… The result would be an authentic life.
Would having women in leadership positions result in more creative and vibrant companies?
An elderly person with gray hair… the absence of color in their hair gives way to the ethereal hue. The color of spirit, of divine light. As people grow older, their social role in society becomes more spiritual. Could it be that the elderly are the true leaders of communities? The necessary maturity and decreased focus on individual interests make for wise leaders.
Each cycle comes with its own wisdom and unique characteristics, just like each planet in the zodiac, which governs each age. For a balanced society, we need all the planets to function together. When we exclude certain groups, we create a lack in the system that needs to be filled in some way.
Could it then be socially beneficial to learn to admire and respect differences? To teach this to our children, apply it in our own lives, and fully embrace each phase that life presents us?
Nature is so perfect that it self-regulates effortlessly.
We, as intelligent children of nature, see that perfection already exists in everything that surrounds us.